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Experience blog: Jeroen’s hair transplant

Jeroen's hair transplant at Hair Science Clinic


In 2022, Jeroen underwent a hair transplant at Hair Science Clinic Maastricht. This is his story about the entire experience from before the procedure to nine months afterward.

Before my hair transplant

At a young age, I began experiencing significant receding hairlines. Initially, I tried to camouflage my early-stage baldness with long, curly locks and styling products. But it didn’t help; my hairline became increasingly thinner, and the receding areas grew deeper. Which really affected my self-image.

Through the hair transplant of the well-known Dutch singer and TV presenter Gerard Joling, which received a lot of media attention, I discovered the HST method of the Hair Science Clinic. At the end of December 2011, I scheduled an initial consultation with Dr. Coen Gho in Maastricht. At that time, he advised me to wait before undergoing a hair transplant due to the progressive nature of my hair loss. Eleven years later, the time had finally come.

Over the years, I often considered taking action against my receding hairline. I looked into trends, including hair systems, but quickly realized that this would offer a temporary and, above all, costly solution. The idea of having to walk around with a buzz-cut hairstyle for the first few months after a hair transplant didn’t appeal to me at all.

I heard mixed stories about hair transplants in Turkey: affordable FUE treatments with a large number of grafts. The FUE treatments turned out to be far from painless, sometimes with disappointing results and an over-harvested donor area as a consequence. This held me back from taking the plunge for a long time.

In 2022, it finally happened: I was going to get a hair transplant.

07:30 AM | Arrival at the clinic

On the day of the procedure, I arrive promptly at 7:30 AM in Maastricht. I feel relaxed. During the intake, which had previously taken place with Dr. Coen Gho and the technician (a nurse specialized in hair transplantation), my personal situation, wishes, and the treatment day were thoroughly discussed.

Jeroen's hair transplant at Hair Science Clinic
arrival at Hair Science Clinic Maastricht (NL)

Buzzing it short is still a bit of a thing…

The technician starts by taking photos of my current hair, including the receding areas. The purpose of this is to compare the before-and-after photos during the final evaluation in nine months.

Then she begins buzzing my head hair short. It’s done in no time—less than a minute, and my head is ‘bald.’ It’s a bit hard to swallow at first, but the idea quickly becomes easier to accept.

08:00 AM | Extraction & anesthesia

The real work begins: splitting and extracting the grafts from the donor area. For this, I lie flat on my stomach in a comfortable chair while my scalp is locally anesthetized.

Jeroen's hair transplant at Hair Science Clinic - experience blog

Then the technician begins removing the grafts. At least, that’s what she says; I don’t feel a thing. The only thing I hear is relaxing music in the background and the sound of the foot pedal used to count the grafts.


In about three hours, 1,800 grafts are harvested from the donor area at the back and sides of my head. In between, we chat and I take a break for a refreshing bowl of fruit.

The new hairline

At the end of the morning, once all the grafts have been extracted, Dr. Coen Gho joins our group. Together, we determine the final shape of the new hairline. After all, the goal of a hair transplant is for it to look as natural as possible and to fit the shape of my head. That’s essentially what this hair transplant does: it reinforces and fills in my original hairline.

Experience blog: Jeroen's hair transplant
Determining the new, natural-looking hairline

13:00 PM | The implantation

After a delicious lunch with soup and sandwiches, the afternoon program begins: the ‘main act’ of the day. I receive local anesthesia again, this time in the receiving area, the balding section. First, holes are made for the new grafts—1,800 to be exact. This time, I lie on my back in the treatment chair.

Again, I feel no pain or discomfort whatsoever. For a moment, everything feels almost like a spa day: I’m relaxed, lying comfortably, being well taken care of, and listening to music or watching a series on TV.

Hair Science Clinic
The preparation of the receiving area by Dr. Gho

Watching a series on Netflix

After about an hour of making incisions, the placement of the new grafts begins. This is done by two senior technicians, who together have 24 years of experience at Hair Science Clinic. After a pleasant conversation, I don’t want to ‘disturb’ the ladies any longer during this precision work. I find my distraction in one of the screens above the treatment chair, where I’ve started a Netflix series.

The re-implantation of the grafts takes about three hours in total. Afterward, I feel surprisingly fit, just a bit dizzy from lying still for so long.

Exciting moment

Then an exciting moment arrives: I get to look in the mirror for the first time since this morning to see the results of the procedure. Amazing! The receiving area looks good. Although it’s still a bit red, the contours of the new hairline are clearly visible. Dr. Coen Gho asks how I feel. “Great!” I reply. The entire process was painless and, aside from a few sensitive anesthetic areas, anything but uncomfortable.

5:00 PM | Heading home

Then, before I know it, it’s 5:00 PM, and the treatment is complete. I receive extensive instructions on aftercare at home. This is incredibly important, I’m reminded, to prevent complications and ensure a successful final result.

I am given a care package to take home: medication to stimulate blood flow to the new hair follicles, a spray, a neck pillow, and a cool pack for any redness and swelling in the first 48 hours. The advice is to use the cool pack every two hours as a precaution. I drive home by myself.

A few hours after the hair transplant


Once I arrive home, the next exciting moment follows. My girlfriend, family, and friends are naturally eager to see the first visible results. The outline of the new hairline is already clearly visible, even though the hair still needs to grow in the coming months.

Restless night

That night, I sleep restlessly; the recommended sleeping position feels unnatural. I also start to experience some itching. I sit half upright, resting my head on a travel pillow to ensure nothing touches the recently treated area. Although the implanted hairs adhere quickly, the first 48 hours are crucial.

After a broken first night, I go back to work the day after the treatment. Occasionally, I adjust my office chair to ‘reclining mode’ and diligently cool my forehead to prevent any swelling from the wound fluid in my face.

The advice is to take it easy in the first few days after the treatment, avoiding intense exertion and sun exposure. I’m pleasantly surprised by how well I feel the day after the procedure. The swelling on my forehead is minimal, and I can function normally.

The weeks following the treatment

On day 5 after the treatment, I can wash my hair with shampoo for the first time. This is a special moment. I proceed with caution, afraid of making a mistake. My scalp still feels strange because the sensation hasn’t fully returned yet, but that is normal so soon after the procedure. The recovery is progressing very quickly and without any issues. After two weeks, the scabs in the donor and receiving areas have completely healed, and the transplanted hairs begin to grow.

A spa day

In hindsight, this procedure turned out to be much easier than I anticipated. The barriers I had set for myself proved to be entirely unnecessary. Take, for example, the fear of buzzing my hair short. Looking back, I think, why was I so worried about that? The treatment day felt at times almost like a spa day. Okay, it’s a long session, but you’re treated like a true king.

The months following the treatment

In the first weeks after the treatment, I hardly go outside, but that has everything to do with a flu. My new hair is growing well, although it still looks thin.

Transplanted hair falling out

A month and a half after the procedure, I suddenly feel anxious; the gradual hair loss that is normal at this stage seems quite significant in my case. Fortunately, Dr. Gho quickly reassures me. This is part of a natural process following a hair transplant. The hair loss is only temporary, and varies from person to person. During this transitional phase, the transplanted hair falls out, and the hair follicle remains without hair for about three months. After three months, new hairs grow from the hair roots, now significantly thicker.

Step by step

A few months later, I receive a lot of positive feedback on (the public sharing of) my hair transplant and the first visible results. This boosts my confidence, even though my new hairstyle is still a work in progress. My hair is growing and gaining more volume and density as the months go by.

Since I have worn my hair long since I was little, it feels great to have a full head of hair again after five months. This significantly boosts my self-esteem.

Results hair transplant Hair Science Clinic

Final result

After the complete hair growth cycle of nine months, the final final result is visible. I am very pleased with the way I was treated, the expertise and personal involvement of the medical staff, and the beautiful final result. A lovely natural hairline with good hair density, making it not immediately obvious that my hair was created through a hair transplant.

Interested in exploring your options?

Are you thinking about an HST hair transplant? Request a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our doctors to receive personalized advice, insights into the treatment, and information on costs.